Unpacking the Collapse of the Lebanese Economy
M-Pesa and the Livelihood of Kenyans
The Disproportionate Burden of HIV-AIDS on African Women
Nudging Qatar into Economic Development
Breaking the Curse of Black Gold: the case of UAE and its tourism
What does it mean to be a woman in Saudi Arabia?
Climate Change in Africa: What Does It Look Like?
Boko Haram: Journey from Evil
Africa In The Same Boat: Will it sail or sink?
Will there ever be peace in Palestine?
How Humanity Failed Rwanda: The 100-Day Genocide
The Iranian Nuclear Deal at a Standstill: What’s Next?
The 10th Anniversary of the Arab Spring: Is There Still a Flicker of Hope?
Africa’s Digital Revolution - A Look in the Agricultural Industry
Charting the Journey of Diamonds in Africa: The Collapse of De Beers and the Era of Ethical Diamonds
Tensions Along The Nile: Economic Developments And Trade-Offs
Implementing a common currency - what does Eco mean for ECOWAS countries?
Lock It Down: Impacts of COVID-19 on Sub-Saharan Africa
The exodus of expats and foreign workers in the Gulf
Is the lack of an adequate education system the main cause of income inequality in Africa?
Alleviating Poverty and Improving Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Is debt ever going to get lower in Africa?
Rebuilding Syria: The History and Impact of War
A well-oiled machine: The new dynamics of Middle Eastern oil