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The SMU Future Economy Forum (FEF) is Singapore's first undergraduate macroeconomic forum. Organised by SIEC, FEF seeks to espouse and promote the field of macroeconomic research amongst undergraduate students of all disciplines, through showcasing its multidisciplinary nature and its cross-industry applications.

Day 0

Competition Workshop

On 6th Jan, we held a Macroeconomic Research and Writing Workshop specifically tailored for the competition, where participants learned a basic toolkit on how to gather, examine, visualise, and use various economic indicators, as well as what moves them, including social, political, and geopolitical developments 

Day 1

Sharing by Industry Professionals &

Fireside Chats

On 7th Jan, we had 3 industry professionals grace the Forum by giving a short presentation as well as by engaging the participants in a fireside chat.

Participants then had the opportunity to undergo guided consultations on what to look out for, and how to research for a client report.

Day 2 – Symposium

Finalists Presentation

Panel Discussion with Leading Economists

Closing Ceremony

On 20th Jan, we are joined by our 3 esteemed Panelists for our Final Day Symposium, where our 3 teams of Finalists are given an opportunity to present their cases before the Panelists and undergraduates from various universities. Our Panelists, who are also leading economists within their spheres of expertise, engaged with the finalists on their findings, and participated in a lively panel discussion.

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